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Tell sentence: It was a cold and rainy day.
Show sentence: there are lighting on the top of the clouds and rainy big drops coming down from the clouds so fast. the rain is dropping like ice and it will be hurting you there are tree moving side to side. like water the bridge and the rain is so cold because the wind and the water is falling on top.
Tell sentence: I went to the beach.
Show sentence: it is so nice to go to sleep on the ground will be nice and so hot like you are sleeping with corthebol blanket you can go with your family to
Sleep on the ground and look at the clouds and the clouds are moving around you but in the sky. You see little island on the water .
Tell sentence: Carol bought new shoes because hers broke.
Show sentence: the shoes has mud on the top of it the shoes it looks like there something soft under the shoes and shadows next to the shoes and it is a bit dark but you still can see the shadow next to it.
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